La thérapie de flottaison – Bonne pour l’esprit, le corps et l’âme

Je suis vraiment excité  d’écrire ce blog. J’ai tombé en amour avec la thérapie de flottaison et j’ai maintenant besoin que le monde entier soit au courant que cette étonnante pratique existe et peut être bénéfique à la santé!

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La privation sensorielle aide l’esprit à guérir. L’absence de gravité, de son et de lumière, votre esprit est protégé des stimuli externes qui aide ensuite à relâcher les tensions physiques et intellectuelles.

Iso Spa est le seul endroit retrouvé au centre-ville d’Ottawa faisant uniquement de la thérapie de flottaison. C’est étonnant; on pense tout d’abord à tout ce qui se passe dans notre vie et tranquillement, tout comme par magie, le corps se laisse faire et on commence à se sentir paisible!

 Le fait que l’on peut choisir une couleur spécifique est une bonne façon d’intégrer la thérapie de couleurs pendant que l’on flotte. J’adore le bleu foncé quand je veux me sentir détendu, et orange lorsque je suis en besoin d’énergie (comme le soleil qui brille sur moi).

Iso Spa

 Flotter – C’est bon pour le corps

Pensez au bain de flottaison comme un lieu de guérison pour vos muscles, articulations et ligaments. Votre corps se détend comme jamais auparavant, et tous ces petits (ou grands) maux et douleurs deviennent moins intenses.


Dans le réservoir, on flotte avec une privation sensorielle et l’eau est infusé avec plus de 1200 livres de sels d’Epsom! Ceci aide donc à soulager le corps de toutes douleurs et éliminer le stress. Flotter dans un espace calme et sombre nous fait sortir de notre zone de confort et nous amène dans un lieu de calme et d’apesanteur.

J’ai quitté ma première session détendus et sans courbatures (ce qui ne se produit jamais).

Iso Spa

Flotter – C’est bon pour l’âme

Quand votre corps et votre esprit sont alignés l’un avec l’autre, votre âme se réjouit. À Iso Spa, votre corps et votre esprit font l’expérience de nouvelles sensations dont nous pouvons rarement accomplir seul. Ces sensations sont amène une paix interne et l’âme est en retour heureux.

Si vous avez déjà considéré essayer la thérapie de flottaison, il est désormais le temps d’y aller. À Ottawa, nous sommes incroyablement chanceux d’avoir un super endroit où aller pour cela! Iso Spa est situé au centre-ville, il y a beaucoup de stationnement, et dès votre arrivé, vous aurez un sentiment immédiat de calme, de détente et d’acceptation.

Pour visiter le site web d’ISO Spa, allez à Contactez-moi s’il y a quelque chose que vous aimeriez savoir d’avantage!  Mes domaines d’intérêts s’étendent à tous les aspects du mieux-être. C’est ce qui m’a donné envie de devenir un entraineur en santé et bien-être! Contactez-moi ici – J’espère que vous profitez bien de votre été.

Pour de plus amples renseignements sur les bienfaits de la thérapie de flottaison, veuillez clicker sur ce lien:

Quels sont exactement les fougères?!

Si vous envisagez d’élargir votre consommation de cholorphyle et intégrant quelque chose de nouveau et frais dans votre alimentation, je recommande fortement l’ajout de crosses de fougère à votre liste d’épicerie. Ces belles et unique en forme enroulée fougères sont souvent utilisés comme garniture décorative, mais ils peuvent aussi être un fabuleux principal, comme un remplacement pour les pâtes!
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Pour votre information… sur les fougères

Les fougères vertes émergent autour du printemps et se développent principalement dans les zones côtières, humides du Canada. Ils peuvent souvent être trouvées le long des bords des rivières et des cours d’eau. Si vous n’êtes pas pour la recherche de nourriture pour eux sur votre propre, le marché local est toujours un bon endroit pour les acheter.

La plupart des gens les mettre dans une catégorie similaire à celle des asperges ou du brocoli, mais ils sont uniquement leur propre usine, provenant de la Ostridge Fern. Soit marinés avec des huiles ou cuits et incorporés dans les salades, les repas et les soupes, ils sont fascinants à expérimenter et jouer avec dans la cuisine.

En outre, ces bobines amusantes et jolies offrent plus d’avantages pour la santé que vous le savez probablement!



Les fougères vertes sont extrêmement riches en vitamine C.[1] es qualités naturelles solubles dans l’eau rendent de grands antioxydants contre les agents infectieux.[2] Les nutriments aident votre corps à développer une résistance contre les virus, ce qui vous maintiennent en bonne santé de la toux et le rhume.

La combinaison unique d’antioxydants aident à réguler et à réduire l’inflammation [3], tout en trouvant simultanément et à lutter contre les radicaux libres qui sont toujours tentent d’entrer dans votre corps. (Game on!)

Up Your A-Game

La vitamine A trouvé dans les crosses de fougère est non seulement essentielle pour votre vision, mais conserve également vos reins, de la vessie et de la peau en pleine forme. [4] En fait, la vitamine A est essentielle dans le maintien de l’élasticité de votre peau et régule la production de mucus qui aide à garder vos glandes internes humides, ce qui empêche la sécheresse.

Aller sur le train Omega

Les fougères vertes contiennent également une excellente source d’oméga-3, des acides gras essentiels.[5] Les huiles d’améliorer votre mémoire, le taux de cholestérol, et de promouvoir et de maintenir la perte de poids.

Bottom line? Ces légumes amusants sont un grand vert pour intégrer dans votre alimentation de printemps. Mais être rapide: ils sont seulement en cours de saison pour environ 3-4 semaines en Avril / Mai.[6] En outre, je recommande la cuisson (ils doivent être cuits avant consommés![7])et profiter de vos têtes de violon dans un jour ou afin d’acheter / butinage les-ils ne durent pas longtemps.

(Les bonnes choses font rarement.)

Pour plus d’informations sur la cuisine et le stockage des fougères correctement, visitez Santé Canada.









4 Reasons to Meditate Today

Life is busy. We try to fit in as much as possible and do our very best with every task we challenge ourselves with. We want to rock sales and marketing and hiring and firing, while also attending every PTA meeting and field trip and social function we possibly can. We scan Pinterest for cute birthday ideas for our kids or spouses, and we feel the need to produce homemade food for our families and fit in quality time with our pets, all while trying to get that next promotion and make enough money to feel that we’re excelling at life.

Although we read endless articles offering ways to achieve balance between our personal and professional lives, and know that living in the moment is good for us and will improve our experiences, we often end up burnt-out and depressed. In other words?

We need to slow down.

One really great way of learning to let go and be present and enjoy stillness, is to meditate. Even if it’s only for 2 minutes, in your vehicle, on your lunch break, it’s important to consciously breathe and be still every day. Here are 5 reasons to start mediating today:

Your body will work more efficiently when permitted to take a break.

It’s the same way cat-naps work. Just a few minutes of closing your eyes, breathing in more oxygen, and allowing yourself to be still can benefit your body (and brain!) immensely. Avoid burnout by meditating twice a day, for 5 minutes at a time.

Yes, really.

You’ll sleep better.

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Meditating just before bed can help to lessen the output of cortisol and produce a better night’s sleep.

Our brains need a break from digital.

In 2016, we spend more time on our iPhones and iPods and laptops and desk tops than we do sleeping at night. Our insatiable need for instant answers and constant communication leaves our brains (and eyes!) exhausted and strained.

Give your brain and eyes a break by shutting the action down, closing your eyes, and focusing on breathing. Notice when your thoughts wander, and gently guide them back in.

Give yourself the gift of less.

That perfect person you’re trying to keep up with? She’s stressed.

Don’t be that mom or that friend or that spouse. Remember that life is about living now, in the moment. Sure, we can work towards future goals, but what’s the point in sacrificing your present experiences for future ones? You don’t even know if you’ll be around to enjoy them! So enjoy now. Meditating can help to remind us to be grateful and thankful and feel blessed for what we have, not what we want. We don’t need everything our neighbours have, including their stress. Refuse to keep up—it’s better for your health. For more tips on how to improve your health, please visit HERE 

Weight Loss Supplements: Are Fat Burners Really Worth It?

Commercial weight loss supplements are often filled with caffeine and one or more of the following natural extracts reported to have “fat burning” effects: green tea extract, green coffee bean, raspberry ketone, and garcinia cambogia. This article will describe what these compounds are all about, their effectiveness and safety.


Several weight loss supplements are marketed as being “fat burners”. The “fat burn” refers to (in a more scientific term): a specific biochemical process called fat oxidation, where body fat (“lipids”) are broken down (“lipolysis”) and used by the body as an energy source, or alternatively released as heat2. Today’s weight loss supplements promise to enhance this process, to cut the fat and pounds, upon ingestion of the following compounds:

  1. Green Tea Extract. Rich in catechins, green tea extract is reported to enhance fat oxidation by increasing the availability of noradrenaline within the blood3. Noradrenaline is a hormone with many roles, which includes stimulating fat oxidation for energy purposes. This is the same chemical our bodies release during the “fight-or-flight” response when we are placed in a seemingly harmful or stressful situation. Some studies have also suggested that catechins reduce the absorption of fat from our diet.


  1. Green Coffee Bean. A biologically active component found within green coffee beans is chlorogenic acid (CGA). CGA stimulates fat oxidation in a similar fashion as catechins Additionally, a recent study suggests that CGA may have anti-diabetic properties as it was shown to regulate blood sugar levels4. Unfortunately, coffee drinkers may not receive these benefits, as the roasting of green coffee beans produces another compound called HAQ, which supposedly reduces the beneficial effects of CGA.


  1. Raspberry Ketone. A compound found within red raspberries, used in several processed foods and cosmetic products to add flavoring and aroma. The use of raspberry ketone in weight loss gained popularity in 2012 when it was showcased on the Dr. Oz show. Just like green tea and green coffee bean extracts, raspberry ketone also increases noradrenaline levels.


  1. Garcinia Cambogia. This is a type of small tamarind fruit that hails from Southeast Asia. Garcinia cambogia is stipulated to reduce the accumulation of body fat via the inhibition of citric acid lyase, which is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of fat. This effect is due to the high content of hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that is found within the fruit. Some studies also report that HCA causes weight loss by increasing the release of serotonin, a hormone known to boost one’s mood and reduce appetite5.


The research shows large variability in the effectiveness of these compounds to actually increase fat oxidation rates and reduce fat mass. While some studies show significant reductions in weight (up to 5% of total body weight) over a 3 month period, other studies show absolutely no effect. The variability arises due to differences in supplements used during the clinical studies, as well as the types of individuals tested (i.e. we all respond differently due to our genetics, composition and lifestyle). Thus, while one product may be useful for one person in improving body composition, in another person there will be no significant changes.

The most worrisome fact about these weight loss supplements is the effects they have on other parts of the body. As mentioned above, most of the “fat burning” components act to increase noradrenaline levels. Noradrenaline not only has effects on fat tissues within our bodies, but also on our lungs, brain, muscles, heart, etc. While these effects are useful during the “fight-or-flight” response (or similarly during exercise) to allow us to escape quickly (or workout harder and faster), chronically heightened levels of noradrenaline is extremely harmful. Consequently, studies done on both animals and humans have reported side effects that include dry mouth, headaches, insomnia, vomiting, abdominal pain, tremors, adverse cardiovascular events (e.g. high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms), kidney failure, psychological disorders, and seizures.

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Before you consider using a weight loss supplement, even one as harmless sounding as “garcinia cambogia”,  think about how you’ll feel if the product does not work for you, the money you may have wasted or the potential side effects. Best bet is to discuss with your doctor first, and consult with a health and fitness coach on healthier, more natural ways to lose the fat and excess pounds. Always be critical before trying a new health supplement, and understand that the promises that the companies selling these products make often do not match up with the findings from unbiased research studies.



1 Marks (2004). Obesity in America: It’s getting worse. Clinical Diabetes 22(1):1-2

2 Thermogenesis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 23(8):1009-1010 Retrieved from:

3 Westerp-Plantenga et al. (2006). Metabolic effects of spices, teas, and caffeine. Physiology and behavior 89(1):85-91

4Ong Wei et al. (2013). Anti-diabetic and anti-lipidemic effects of chlorogenic acid are mediated by AMPK activation. Biochemical Pharmacology 85: 1341-1351

5Onakpoya et al. (2011). The use of garcinia extract (hydroxycitric acid) as a weight loss supplement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Journal of Obesity 2011, article ID 509038



Amanda is a recent Master’s graduate from the University of Ottawa, where she completed exercise physiology-related research within the department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. In her free time, you can find her out running the Rideau canal in Ottawa or at the gym for her favorite group exercise classes.



How to overcome an eating disorder

Over the years I have subjected my body to everything from 3 day fasts to 3 hours of intense exercise daily seeking balance and self-control. I fell into a destructive, life-sucking cycle of bingeing followed by compensatory behaviours, fighting for control and freedom from my prison. I still feel emotion welling in my throat as I remember the vivid experience of feeling utterly helpless in my own cycle, hitting rock bottom at 6-10 binges in a single day. I must have tried to fix myself a thousand times, giving up time after time, each feeling more lost, more helpless, having lost another chunk of self-esteem and hope. I felt uniquely incapable of achieving my fitness goals.

It wasn’t until I stopped searching for magical outward fixes and began to see the flaws in my approach, that lasting change began to happen. Other factors stayed the same, I still did not lose weight fast enough, did not feel like I did enough, it was all the same. The difference was I began fighting back. I stopped reading fitness magazines, stopped diet pills and seeking out new magic programs and began self-kindness, acceptance and understanding. I gave myself permission to be imperfect in the process of growth and healing.

Over the course of several years I gradually cut down on binges – Not overnight. I began to live WITH the food instead of fighting to live without it. I stopped destroying myself for making mistakes and focused on self-understanding. I changed my perception, I did not change my actions immediately, that took more time, and that is when my world began to change.

The process was much involved and complicated, involved thousands of tears, breakdowns and giving up but I always got back up and kept going. How do we overcome?

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  1. Self-compassion. I was queen at being my own worst critic, no one could critique me like I could. I wanted to improve and believed I had to be ruthless with myself in order to succeed, but once I learned the art of self-compassion my entire mindset began to change. Treat yourself as you would a best friend. I practice this with clients all the time. Write down your circumstances, how the day or week has been, the things you’re trying to work on and look at them objectively. So often we are taking on SO much at once, making small, positive changes and improvements and completely overlooking the positive.
  2. Be realistic. As badly as I wanted to quit the binge cycle cold turkey I had to realize and accept that slip-ups were not only inevitable they were NECESSARY for long-term success. I had to fumble and fail over and over in order to learn how to do things differently than I’ve always done them. This is a lifelong journey, not an overnight destination.
  3. Change perspective. Stop looking at your goal as a final destination but see it as a lifelong path. All the obstacles and road blocks along the way are there to force you into learning how to adapt old skills and develop new skills to succeed. There’s a good chance your biggest struggles, hangups or « flaws” are somehow tied into your personality, upbringing, environment etc, even if you conquer them you HAVE to be aware that they can sneak back in at ANY time if you’re not careful. That’s just the way it is and always will be. If you expect to overcome bingeing and think you’ll never have to struggle with it again you’re sure to find out the hard way at some point, not being prepared for it decreases your chances of overcoming it.

I will continue to work for the remainder of my life. My issues were deeply rooted and will likely linger for the remainder of my life. An eating disorder or any form of disordered thoughts and behaviours is not something to be overcome but can be adapted in healthy ways in order to cope and be happy, healthy and live free. I must always be mindful of sliding into old habits, always fighting that inner irrational voice. I get better, we get better, and it’s worth every second.

Chelsea KnoxBy Chelsea Knox, registered nurse (RNBN), Level 1 Wellness coach, and Online fitness and mindset coach.

Know your SPF!

Believe it or not… sun exposure causes most of the skin changes we think of as the normal part of aging! Always look for a broad spectrum sunscreen when choosing an SPF for your face and body. Broad spectrum will protect you against both ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, the main cause of sunburn, which are the strongest in the summer, and ultraviolet A (UVA) rays, which remain constant throughout the year.

Although less intense than UVB, UVA rays are up to 50 times more predominant, and go through glass, making sun protection necessary indoors as well as out. Remember B, burns while A ages. Looking for an SPF in your moisturizer will help you stay younger for longer, even if you are staying out of the sun!

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor which refers to the theoretical amount of time that you could stay out in the sun without protection. An SPF 15, would protect you 15 times more than your natural sun protection. If your skin would naturally redden after 15 minutes of sun exposure with an SPF 15 it would take 225 minutes. SPF also only applies to UVB rays not UVA. To make sure that you are covered, look for ingredients such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These are opaque materials that reflect light. If applied correctly these will help to block out UVA rays. When choosing an SPF for overall body protection, look for a waterproof SPF 30 and reapply every one to two hours. SPF can easily be washed away by sweating during physical activity or water exposure. You only need to apply an SPF to the body on those days when you are outdoors for an extended amount of time; 20 minutes or more depending on how fair you are. A daily SPF 15 should be applied to the face in your day cream and/ or foundation. This will protect you throughout the day from regular day-to-day exposure. When spending an extended amount of time outside, you should apply your SPF 30 in addition to your regular day protection. SPF 15 layered with an additional SPF 30 does not accumulate into an SPF 45. You are only protected by the largest number you have applied. Even an SPF 100 does not mean twice the protection of SPF 50.

Remember that an SPF 15 sunscreen blocks over 90 percent of UVB rays, so you don’t need an SPF of 80 or 100 for adequate protection. You would only choose these higher SPFs if you have extremely fair skin. This type of protection is unnecessary for common exposure unless recommended by a physician. Proper and repeated application is more important. More sunscreen simply replaces what has worn off, it does not start the clock over.

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By Natalie Esau, beauty expert and owner of The Upkeep Shoppe.  Please visit for more details on Natalie Esau and the Upkeep Shoppe.natalie esau



How to Incorporate Movement Into Your Office Routine

Full-time employees will spend nearly 30,000 hours at work through a 30-year career. for many, this means 30,000 hours sitting at a desk. It makes sense to start looking at ways to stay active to improve your well-being.  Even when exercising a few times per day, sitting has been shown to have some negative impacts on the human body, to the point of taking years off your life. An active lifestyle is more than hitting the gym or doing your favorite fitness video at home.  Here are some suggestions on how to stay active at work:

  • Stand Up at Your Desk/Workstation

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Switching between sitting and standing helps release some body discomfort and will make you feel more awake; therefore increasing your productivity. One way to accomplish this is to take opportunities to stand up when you are doing certain tasks that don’t require you to be sitting down, like talking on the phone or reading a document. Having a height adjustable sit-stand work station is also a good option, which is becoming increasingly popularity in workplaces as more and more research show the benefits of varying movement to retain a healthy body and improve mood states.

  • Take Regular Breaks

From taking the long way to the bathroom to walking to your colleague’s office to ask a question (rather than emailing), breaks are a great way to incorporate movement into your day. Whenever possible, take the time to stand instead of sit. Even better, instead of your favorite “pick me up” energy drink (coffee/tea, coke, etc.) in the afternoon, try doing 5-10 minutes of stretching. Not only will it improve your posture, but it will help decrease lower back pain, and reduce stress.

  • Be Active During Your Lunch Breaks

Take at least half of your lunch break to do some kind of physical activity. This will help lessen the “food coma” and help increase your alertness. You can take advantage of the gym at/near work, or easier yet, go outside for a short walk where you can enjoy the fresh air and vitamin D.

  • Drink Smaller Glasses of Water

Many health experts recommend drinking anywhere from six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water or other fluids every day (depending on the weight and gender of the person and other environmental factors). Since an 8-ounce cup is the equivalent to the size of a coffee cup, why not use a smaller cup instead of your regular bottle or thermos, which will make sure you get up and move more often to get another glass.

  • Take the Stairs

Stair climbing helps strengthen your legs, your lungs, and your heart. As a result, you feel better, and everyday tasks like walking from your car to work won’t seem as challenging. Another bonus: like other fitness activities, taking the stairs will release chemical endorphins, making you feel happy and calm. Start with one flight of stairs a day and work your way up from there. You might even notice that it takes less time going up the stairs than waiting for the elevator to show up!

Whether you choose to go outside during your lunch hour, or take an active break, or take the stairs, remember that these are tips and aren’t limited to those easy to do ideas. Be creative! No matter what you decide to do, just remember that sitting down for a long period of time isn’t natural or healthy for your body. By making a conscious effort to add more activities into your daily life, it will become second nature with time, and improve your wellness, happiness, and productivity.

*Sometimes day to day tasks become obstacles. small steps to take care of yourself will help you feel emotionally and physically well.  Here’s a free online resource available from Josh Martin’s Going on a Bear Hunt: Five things cancer taught me about overcoming obstacles, available at


Facing « The Wall » During a Race

A few years ago, I decided to compete in a half marathon race. I’ve been running since I’ve been a teenager, and for me, nothing would beat the emotional and physical feeling I would get at the end of a long race. Emotionally, you are so proud of your success, and physically, you have mixed feelings of being tired, and on a runner’s high. But this race was different for me; it gave me a little twist that I had never experienced before.

Anyone who knows me is aware of my competitive spirit. It’s all in good fun until you try to go above and beyond what you’ve been practicing, and hit what runners or fitness competitors call “The Wall”. It’s easy to recognise “The Wall”: It’s the point where things change from going very well to being VERY challenging for your body and your mind. For me, it’s the point where all the plans that I’d put together before race day went out the window! Although it was a struggle, I did finish that race and will remember it for the rest of my life. The amount of games my brain and body were playing on me, helped me in all the other races since then. It also helped me recognise my limits and know what to do to in other stressful life events.

Today, I am here to give you strategies to use when you face “The Wall”, and get you ready to cross the finish line with happy, and hopefully painless memories:

  • Race Pace – Start the Race Smart

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There are two types of race paces: Your “I can” and your « I am able to » pace. For example: you’ve been practicing to finish your full marathon race in two hours (in the perfect weather and health conditions). So, on race day, although your mind and body is ready for what you “can” accomplish, you get excited by the crowd, and maybe you spoke to another runner who mentioned that he/she would finish in one hour and a half, which leads you to decide that you will pace a little more than practiced…well, until things start to hurt and go really, really wrong for you! You are not the only one who tries to do this. Whatever the reason, it seems that many runners seem to simply start too fast. I have no doubt that you are “able to” go faster than your goal time, but trying it out on race day might not be the best time to achieve that new goal. My recommendation to you would be to try running the race you’ve been planning in your head and see how you feel at the half way mark. That will be the best indicator of what your next move should be.

  • Fueling Your Body

Have you ever found yourself finishing a race, noticing that you now seem to have your energy restored, and thinking that you could have done better? I don’t think I have to convince you that re-fueling your body with food and water during the race is a good idea. Food/water can be your best friend when your energy starts to drop. Just make sure to incorporate that food/drink in your pre-race routine to find out what makes you stronger and gives you that boost of energy you need; instead of weighing you down and giving you stomach cramps or other body troubles.

More good food tips can be found at: or

  • Mind over Matter –Use Your Inner voice

What’s the challenge for this race: It’s raining and you feel like you weigh 10 pounds more? Heat wave? You’re starting to feel fatigued? A cramp? You just saw a teenager wearing flip flops pass you? Argh! When your mind starts to play games with you, it’s easy to find any reason in the book to think negative thoughts and even stop racing. You now need some tools to tell yourself that everything will turn out fine. Many fitness professionals and Olympic athletes see a sport psychologist to find out how they can accomplish this by using « self talk »; which entails repeating a positive phrase or word over and over again. So, when you are nervous about a certain event, or starting to feel body aches, choose a word or phrase that will make you want to continue your journey with a smile or at least a positive spirit (re: “I think I can, I think I can…”).

Another good tool would be to remember the bigger picture – take time to remember why you are doing this race in the first place. Is it to prove to yourself that you are able to reach the finish line? Are you doing this to be a good role model to your family and friends? Or maybe you want to compete for fun? Donations to a cause might encourage you to stay focused on your running routine, and will help you stay on tract on race day. You could also make it a team effort by joining a running group, or even be there for another runner who might be having a difficult race, and might need a pat on the shoulder or a cheer.

  • Use Visualization

As a health and wellness coach, I use visualization tools quite frequently because I see so many benefits and results out of them. This is a good tool to use to practice what your race would look like (practice the “what if’s”), by using your own imagination. You can do this during one of your rest days. There’s two ways you can do this: you can do a visualization of a successful race or one with some challenges. Both are important to practice since the point of this exercise is to feel prepared for anything that might come your way on race day. Here’s what to do:

  • Find a peaceful place (You may sit or lay down; whatever feels more comfortable to you), close your eyes, picture yourself running what you consider your perfect race. Take the time to smile, to feel the wind on your skin, and hear the surrounding sounds. The crowd is cheering you on. You cross the finish line and see your friends and family waiting to congratulate you. You can’t believe what a fantastic experience you just had. Open your eyes and take a moment to reflect on how you feel. The feeling of happiness might help take some of the pre-race jitters out.
  • It’s also important to picture what would happen if you felt some kind of discomfort or had some kind of difficulty arise during the race. Do the same scenario as above, but include a few challenges to your visualization. Being prepared for the « what if’s” will take some stress away and will help you feel in control of any situation that might come your way before and on race day.
  • Music for the Soul

The last topic I would like to discuss is about music and it’s positive benefits. Some runners do prefer to listen to their surrounding sounds, and that’s okay too, but for those of you that like to listen to your favorite tunes while racing, some studies have shown that « listening to music while running can boost performance by up to 15%. …music would allow you to mentally block any discomfort you may be experiencing during your run and allows you to continue to perform at a higher level than if you went without. » ( In other words, there’s something magical that happens to your mind and body when you listen to your favorite tunes! Food for thought: make sure your music has the beat/tempo that you would like to keep during the race, to make it easier to follow. Also, when you start to feel tired, achy or if your mind starts to play games on you in the pre-races, you might want to consider taking note of the specific time periods that happens, and add  to your playlist a « pick-me-up » song or some positive reinforcement messages during that specific time (or in the half way mark of your race) to use on race day.

Here’s a few sites where you can download and/or purchase running/fitness music that counts the beat per minute:,,

Here are a few apps that you can listen to with positive affirmation messages:!/id328011102?mt=8,

  • Conclusion

Take the time to embrace the challenge. « The Wall » might come your way, but be mindful that it’s only a little hiccup, and you are in control of what will happen from now on in that race or competition. Just like my half marathon experience, every experience makes you learn something about yourself and what you can accomplish in the next one. Smile, have fun, and remember that there are many people who would pay a fortune to be able to run or participate in a sport event like you; You are a hero for making it this far!


*This is a special dedication to the Orleans Running Room marathon runners as well as anyone else seeking good tips to get through their first race or looking to improve the next one.

15 easy ways to lose weight

Are you looking for easy ways to lose weight? Have you hit a plateau and looking to lose those last stubborn pounds?

A successful weight loss remains a healthy, calorie-controlled plan combined with exercise. Since we come in all shapes and sizes out there, please disregard the myth that to lose one pound of fat, you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories. Instead, go for a modification of your current health habits. I believe in small changes = BIG results. That being said, you need to put a little effort into your daily life (nutrition and fitness activity) to get the results you want.

 Here’s a few diet and exercise ideas that you can use and/or modify in your daily life.

 Diet Strategies

  • Skip the large bakery muffin in favor of 1 slice of ancient grains (or gluten free) toast topped with 1 tablespoon of your favorite nut butter.
  • Take milk or milk substitute (ie: almond, soy) instead of cream in your coffee.
  • Skip the cheese in an omelet and a lunchtime sandwich.
  • Replace your afternoon ice cream or frozen yogurt with ground nuts.
  • Resist the handful of M&M’s (or any sweets) at the receptionist’s desk. Instead : bring more healthy snacks at work.
  • Switch from a tea latte to a naturally flavoured tea.
  • Cut the sugar and have a vodka and soda instead of a margarita at happy hour.

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 Exercise Strategies

  • Jog or walk for 20 minutes. When you achieve that goal, try jogging to a 5km.
  • Make it a family activity by playing with your kids.
  • Spin for 30 minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Do 1 hour of housework.
  • Do 35 minutes of power yoga/pilates.
  • Shovel snow for 30 minutes.
  • Run up stairs for 15-20 minutes.
  • Dance for 40 minutes.

*Remember that you know your health situation better than I do. Please consult your doctor or health care professional before trying anything new.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark…Chocolate

Another holiday is just around the corner, and supermarkets are filled with candy and chocolate goodies. I won’t spend too much time in this article explaining why sugar filled, artificial colours and flavours, and sometimes hydrogenated candy is probably not the number one choice. I’ll save that topic for another blog. I’ll concentrate my time on yummy chocolate instead.

Chocolate seems to be a popular choice for many celebratory events or even for just plain enjoyment. Bonus when there’s a health benefit or two! From lowering cholesterol levels, helping memory gain, to stress reduction, there seems to be a research coming up every day on the consumption of chocolate. The newest research published on March 18th 2014, from the American Chemical Society expresses that good “bacteria in the stomach gobble the chocolate and ferment it into anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for the heart.”  (Read more about this research :

Remember that not all chocolate are created equal. Let’s talk about the differences in chocolate quality and what to look for in your supermarket or specialty store.

 Colours, what’s the difference?

  • Dark Chocolate : Call it dark (or black), unsweetened, semisweet, cooking, or bittersweet, these forms of chocolate contain little sugar, fat, and milk products. Dark chocolate usually has a high cocoa percentage, and is sold in stores ranging anywhere from 70 to 99%. Food for thought: Chocolate has received much positive news from health researchers because of its flavanols, which are present in chocolate liquor and cocoa powder.
  • Milk Chocolate: Just like dark chocolate, milk chocolate contains cocoa solids. What makes it different from its “darker” sibling is the addition of milk products (ie: milk powder, liquid milk, condensed milk, etc.) in bigger amounts.
  • White chocolate: White chocolate consists of cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar. It is not considered to be “real” chocolate, since it does not contain cocoa solids. Although cocoa butter is amazing in body products, white chocolate isn’t recognized as the number one choice for consumption because of its lack of antioxidant properties.

 Chocolate Bars also known as candy bars

Wikipedia defines chocolate bars as “a confection in bar form comprising some or all of the following components: cocoa solids, cocoa butter, sugar, and milk. The relative presence or absence of these components form the subclasses of dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. In addition to these main ingredients, it may contain emulsifiers such as soy lecithin and flavors such as vanilla. » In most of the English-speaking world, a chocolate bar is also referred to as a candy bar. « This is a form of confectionery usually packaged in a bar or log form, often coated with chocolate and sized as a snack for one person. But within that term, a wide variety of products exist, ranging from solid chocolate bars to multiple layerings or mixtures of ingredients such as nuts, fruits, caramel, or fondant containing no chocolate.” (

In other words, a chocolate bar (or candy bar) is, well, exactly that: candy. It contains some chocolate, which the quality and quantity isn’t always present. If you do decide to treat yourself by eating one, remember that the health benefits found in chocolate won’t necessarily apply to your favorite candy bar. It’s probably a good idea to limit this treat to a few times per year, to prevent sabotaging your diet and health. Look at the ingredient list and be aware that some of those ingredients might make you feel sick and cause issues in your overall health. You’ll find below, a list of what ingredients to avoid and why, before purchasing your favorite candy bar. My goal isn’t to trash any major company, but I do want to make you aware of what you are putting in your body, so that you can make informed choices.

 Be aware of these ingredients in chocolate and candy bars:

  • PGPR: Polyglycerol poliricinoleate (or PGPR) is  described by Wikipedia as “an emulsifier made in a three step process from glycerol and fatty acids (usually castor bean), respectively. PGPR reduces the viscosity of chocolate and similar coatings and compound. It works by decreasing the friction between the particles of cacao, sugar, milk, etc. present so they can flow more easily when melted.” (Wikipedia : In other words: It’s a manufactured fat used in lower priced chocolate.

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  • Artificial flavors: Many food products contains “artificial flavors” in their list of ingredients. What does that mean exactly? Artificial flavors are chemical “mixtures” that try to mimic a natural flavor. That means that food companies pays food scientists to come up with ways to trick your taste buds, which tricks your senses in liking that product and wanting more.
  • Artificial colours: I have to say that I’ve had “hands on” experience with food colouring as a little girl and its negative effects on the body (my parents will agree). My mom is a nurse and did lots of research on food colouring when my brother and I were growing up. My parents would almost never allow us to have food with artificial colours. My mom keeps repeating the story of how artificial colours in certain drinks would make me have nightmares when I was younger. My parents discovered this fact when of my aunts (which will remain nameless) served me some “orange juice” (let’s just say it supposedly tastes « tangy », to not name company names), which I would wake up in the middle of the night talking and crying in my sleep. All that to say, colours like yellow #5 or tartazine were eliminated, and all my aunts were made aware. Now, when talking about white, brown or dark brown (or black) chocolate, you would think that food companies wouldn’t need to add artificial colours. Be careful and read the labels as they can still contain artificial colours to make them more appealing. I would suggest removing artificial colours to your diet, and taking the time to do your own research on certain colours and their side effects (re: Yellow #5, Red # 40, Green #3, etc.).
  • Glucose/Fructose, High fructose Corn Syrup or Corn Syrup : The liver is the only organ that can metabolize fructose in significant amounts. Meaning that when people eat a diet containing a high amount of fructose, the liver gets overloaded and starts turning the fructose into fat. As for corn syrup, we are talking about a glucose-heavy syrup made from corn starch (genetically modified corn is often used). It is used to sweeten processed foods and beverages.
  • Hydrogenated : Partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated, you will want to avoid this trans fat oil.  These trans fatty acids have been shown to be deadly even in small amounts. It would be good idea to leave the packaged food behind to protect yourself from blocked arteries, and weight gain.

Make it yourself

You might also want to make your own chocolate. There’s something therapeutic for the mind and body to know that you’ve successfully made something from scratch. I was lucky enough to spend a few Holidays in Mexico, and brought back raw cocoa nibs. You can also find cocoa nibs at your local or specialty store. Click here for the link to my step by step guide how to make chocolate.

 With this article in mind, you can feel good and guilt-free next time you eat a piece of good quality chocolate!

 From my health to yours,

Sophie Bélisle – Health & Wellness coach

*Remember that you know your health situation better than I do. Please consult your doctor or health care professional before trying anything new.