3 recettes estivales de bols à smoothie

Il y a quelques années, les smoothies et jus pressés frais prenaient le monde d’assaut-mais maintenant les bols à smoothie sont une tendance ! Les smoothies sont une excellente façon de consommer des tonnes de fibres, antioxydants, et vitamines.

Généralement, les bols à smoothies sont des garnitures qui complètent le repas et crée une certaine satiété que les smoothies et jus pressé à froid ne peuvent pas atteindre. Les garnitures les plus populaires incluent typiquement granola, fruits, noix de coco râpée, les graines de chia, fruits séchés, coeur de chanvre et plus.

Voici trois recettes fantastique de bol à smoothie que vous allez adorer:

Le bol à smoothie jaune

  • 1 banane
  • 1 tasse d’ananas congelés
  • 1 tasse de manguecongelés non sucré
  • 1 tasse de lait de noix de coco
  • 1/3 tasse de granola
  • 1 c. à soupe de noix de coco râpée
  • 1 c. à soupe de coeur de chanvre


  1. Mettre les 4 premiers ingrédients dans le mixeur et mixez jusqu’à obtention d’une texture liquide. (Si le smoothie est trop épais, ajouter un peu plus de lait de coco, mais la texture du smoothie devrait être très épais.)
  2. Une fois mélangé, ajoutez les 3 prochains ingrédients.
  3. Manger immédiatement!

Bol de smoothie rose


  • 1 banane congelée
  • 1 tasse de fraises congelées
  • ½ betterave rouge
  • ½ tasse de lait d’amandes non sucré
  • 1 c. à table de granola
  • 1 c. à table de graines de chia
  • Poignée de framboises


  1. Mettre les 4 premiers ingrédients dans le mixeur et mixez jusqu’à obtention d’une texture liquide. (Si smoothie est trop épais, ajouter un peu plus de lait d’amandes, mais la texture du smoothie devrait être très épais.)
  2. Une fois mélangé, ajoutez les 3 prochains ingredients.
  3. Manger tout de suite!

Bol à smoothie vert


  • 1 tasse d’ananas
  • 1 tasse de raisins verts congelés
  • 2 feuilles de chou frisé ou d’une poignée d’épinards
  • ½ avocat
  • 1 ¼ Tasses de lait de soya non sucré
  • ½ banane
  • ½ tasse de granola
  • 1 c. à soupe de noix écrasées


  1. Placez les 5 premiers ingrédients dans le mixeur et mixez jusqu’à obtention d’une texture liquide. (Si le smoothie est trop épais, ajouter un peu plus de lait de soja mais la texture du smoothie devrait être très épais.)
  2. Une fois mélangé, ajoutez les 3 prochains ingredients.
  3. Manger immédiatement!

Je vous mets au défi d’essayer un de ces bols à smoothie pour le petit-déjeuner au moins 2-3 fois par semaine et voir comment votre corps réagit. Bien que c’est délicieux repas ne sont généralement pas une chose faite toute l’année, ces bols sont excellent en été. Ne ratez pas l’occasion !

Allez chercher votre bol à smoothie! xo

4 Homemade Body Scrub Recipes

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain.

La fabrication du chocolat

Le jour de la Saint-Valentin il y a quelques années, au lieu de faire une activité qui serait coûteuse, mon conjoint et moi avons passé une bonne soirée à la maison en train de dîner, et la fabrication du chocolat à partir de zéro. Nous avons ensuite ce chocolat dans une fondue au chocolat incroyable! Nous avons eu du plaisir, beaucoup ri, et appris à apprécier l’art de faire du chocolat délicieux.

  • Étape 1 – fèves de cacao rôties dans un four préchauffé à 250ºF jusqu’à ce qu’ils commencent à se fissurer. La cuisine (et la maison) va commencer à sentir comme des brownies (env. 10-15 minutes).
  • Étape 2 – Casser les haricots et enlever les cosses de fèves de cacao. Astuce: Utilisez un sèche-cheveux pour enlever toutes les balles qui restent.
  • Étape 3 – Ajouter le sucre au moulin à épices ou un robot culinaire. Par exemple: Si vous voulez 70% de cacao, vous devez ajouter 30% de sucre pour 100 g de cacao. Broyer le sucre jusqu’à ce que bien, et ajouter les fèves de cacao de carapace pour moulin à épices.
  • Étape 4 – Continuer à moudre les fèves de cacao, tout en remuant souvent. La texture va commencer à ressembler à une mouture de café.
  • Étape 5 – Mélanger jusqu’à consistance lisse. La texture va bientôt ressembler à une pâte de cacao. A ce stade, vous pouvez choisir d’ajouter quelques de cuillerée de beurre de cacao fondu ou de garder le mélange. De toute façon, le mélange est pas encore prêt; Vous aurez besoin de mélanger jusqu’à ce que le cacao est dans un état liquide.
  • Étape 6 – Utiliser mortier et un pilon pour refroidir le chocolat et pour éliminer toutes les moutures fines finales.
  • Étape 7 (Option I) – Vous pouvez maintenant choisir de laisser sécher le chocolat tel quel, ou ajouter du lait / substitut de lait (soja, amande, riz, etc.) pour créer une barre de chocolat.
  • Étape 7 (Option II) – Vous voudrez peut-être ajouter plus de lait ou de substitut de lait (soja, amande, riz, etc.), pour créer une fondue au chocolat ou de lait au chocolat. Miam!

DSCN0771Step 2 - Crack the Beans : Remove husk from cocoa beans. Use a hair dryer to remove all leftover husks.

Making Chocolate from Scratch

Step 4 - Continue Grinding :Continue to grind the cocoa beans, while stirring often. The texture will start to resemble a coffee grind.Step 6 - Use Mortar and Pestle : Use mortar and pestle to cool the chocolate and to remove any final fine grinds.DSCN0786-e1395196869709Step 7 (Option 2) - Chocolate Fondue and Chocolate Milk: You may want to add more milk or milk substitute (Soy, Almond, Rice, etc.), to Create a chocolate fondue or chocolate milk. Yum!

Hangover Myths & Cures

What does drowsiness, headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and thirst have in common? One or many of these symptoms could be experienced during a hangover.

Common phrases heard the day after are that you “will never do this again”. So what now? Recovery is key! Let’s discuss the myths associated to hangovers, and find tricks to feel better…just in case another late night of drinking happens again!

  • A greasy meal

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I’m sorry to say that a greasy meal the day after doesn’t cure a hangover. Actually, going to your local greasy spoon joint on the morning after could cause for more stomach issues than anything else. You’re better off eating something fatty before starting to consume alcohol. This will help coat your stomach and prevent alcohol from being absorbed too quickly.

  • Vitamins & Minerals

It’s a good idea to put your body back on track to a healthy digestive cycle. For that, you need to re-boost some of the lost essential nutrients, such as vitamin B and C.

My favorite recovery foods are eggs and tomatoes. The amino acids in eggs will help your liver detoxify, and the tomatoes (not in Bloody Mary form) will reduce some of your body’s inflammation as well as give you a dose of vitamin C. Word of caution: I would be careful with orange and grapefruit juice as it could irritate your already sensitive stomach.

  • Drink water

Drinking water before, during, and after your night out should be one of your top priorities. Since alcohol is a diuretic (aka: “breaking the seal”), you will feel (and more than likely be) dehydrated. If you want to prevent the dreaded hangover headache, remember to drink a glass or two of water in between your alcoholic beverages. Prevention is key, but replenishing by drinking lots of water the next day will help too.

  • Electrolytes

Since alcohol is a diuretic, potassium (a key electrolyte) is usually depleted in our bodies. Wikipedia notes that « Drinks containing sodium and potassium salts replenish the body’s water and electrolyte levels after dehydration caused by exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, diaphoresis, diarrhea, vomiting, intoxication or starvation… A home-made electrolyte drink can be made by using water, sugar and salt in precise proportions. Pre-made preparations are also available commercially… » (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolyte).

Sports drinks are usually full of artificial colours and sugars. I would avoid taking these electrolyte drinks after a night out. Opt for coconut water or go for fruits and veggies that are high in electrolytes, such as bananas, spinach, and avocados. Here’s a « day after » smoothie to try:

Karate chop my hangover – Smoothie


2 Frozen banana

½ cup Spinach

1/2 avocado

1 pitted date

1 ½ cup Almond milk

¼ tsp each Cinnamon and Nutmeg

¼ tsp (pinch) sea salt

1 tsp Vanilla extract


Blend all ingredients together until smooth. You may need to add more almond milk (or cold water) if your mixture is too thick.

Makes about 3-4 cups…enough to share with your hungover friends!


Please remember that my blogs are there as guides to help you feel better. These blogs do not replace any medical professionals.

Healthy Baking Tips

Doing small modifications to your recipes can reduce the amount of calories and/or fat significantly. Here are my favorite sneaky food swaps to cut calories and fat:

  • Sugar: reduce and substitute

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Reducing sugar doesn’t mean reducing flavor. The goal is to modify the recipe to have less sugar while still tasting sweet. The easiest way is to cut up to 1/3 of the sugar from your recipe. You won’t notice a difference in taste, but your waist size will thank you!

  • Mashed dates & prunes

Another great trick to replace sugar and cut some fat in a recipe is to add mashed up dates or prunes to your recipe. It will taste as amazing as your regular recipe and provide you with extra vitamins/nutrients (ie: Prunes: good source of iron; Dates: each contain close to two grams of fiber). Little trick: Soak your dates and prunes long enough for them to come back to life (approx. 15 minutes or longer). You can substitute sugar or fat for dates/prunes up to 1 for 1.

  • Apple sauce, pumpkin/sweet potato puree

You can swap up to half the butter or oil in your recipe for apple sauce. Also, since apple sauce will add a natural sweetness to your recipe, you may want to remove 1/4 of the sugar. Adding apple sauce will provide more fiber (about three grams per cup) to your recipe, and pumpkin/sweet potato gives you a boost in vitamins A and C…the kids don’t need to know this!

  • Beans, beans the magical fruit

Replace other fats in your favorite recipes by pureeing beans. Also, adding beans will boost your recipe with extra iron, potassium, and magnesium. They are excellent in brownie recipes; making them extra fudgy!

  • Use Coconut Oil

Shortening, margarine or butter contain fats (mostly saturated fat) which raises « bad » cholesterol (LDL). Use the same amount of coconut oil in your recipe and you will stay shocked how amazing your desserts turn out. Trust me, your pie crusts will look and taste extra flaky!

  • Spice, spice baby!

Whether you need cinnamon for your apple pie or add vanilla to your favorite cookie recipe, spices add a tasty element to any baked goods.  Added bonus: Many of them are high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Try buying the spices whole and grinding them yourself to keep the aromas and taste fresh. A little goes a long way!

  • To box or not to box

Although cake mixes coming from a box seem easier to prepare than other recipes, they usually contain artificial ingredients (the ones you can’t pronounce from the ingredients list), lots of sugar, and hydrogenated oils.

Here’s my better than boxed cake recipe:

One-Bowl Chocolate Cake/Cupcakes


  • 1 1/2 cups spelt or kamut flour (this recipe would work with any other flour-including gluten free)
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp chili powder or cinnamon (to enhance the chocolate taste)
  • 1 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup almond milk (other nut milks are fine too – make sure there’s no sugar added)
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoons apple sauce 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup hot (or boiling) water


  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Line standard muffin tins or cake pans with paper liners.
  2. Add flour, cocoa powder, chili or cinnamon powder, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into a large bowl. Add eggs, almond milk, olive oil, apple sauce, and vanilla, and mix together. While hand mixer is on (or using whisk), gently add the hot water little by little, to prevent the eggs from cooking in your mixture.
  3. Fill each muffin cups or cake pans 2/3 full. Bake about 20 minutes for cupcakes, and 30-35 minutes for cake. Transfer to wire racks to cool (if you can resist eating all of them). Cupcakes/cake will stay fresh up to 2-3 days.

Makes approx. 18 cupcakes or 2 eight-inch round cake layers.


By doing a few healthy alterations to your recipe, you will be able to feel good about what you eat. Treating yourself never tasted and made you look so good!

Sophie’s Energy Bites

These healthy, easy to make, and no bake energy bites will make you feel like you’re eating dessert! Enjoy whenever a boost of energy is required.

Yield: about 20-24 bites   Prep time: 10 minutes (plus chill time)


  • 1 Cup Rolled oats
  • ¼ Cup Hemp hearts
  • 2 Tbsp ground Flax seeds
  • ½ Cup mini Chocolate chips
  • ½ Cup nuts (chopped) or Raisins/dried Cranberries
  • ½ Cup unsweetened Peanut (or other nut butter)
  • ¼ Cup Honey
  • 1-2 Tbsp Coconut oil or Cocoa butter (melted)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Pinch of sea Salt
  • Pinch of Chili powder
  • Other Optional add-ins: 1/4 cup cocoa powder (or chocolate protein powder)

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  1. In a medium bowl, whisk peanut butter, honey, Coconut oil, vanilla, sea salt, and chili powder.
  2. Add oats, Hemp Hearts, flax seeds, mini chocolate chips and nuts.
  3. Mix until thoroughly incorporated. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into balls and enjoy! To make your own granola bar, you can also put them in a square pan and cut them into bars. Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week. Yum!

Calories per serving/bite: 90-120 calories (depending on nut butter and if cocoa powder is added)