Entries by jenbrowne

4 Homemade Body Scrub Recipes

Everyone loves a great body scrub, but they can be expensive and if you’re not careful, full of chemicals! So I decided to develop my own body scrub recipes. Below are 4 of them, and a word of warning: just because you can eat them (they’re totally edible; that’s how you know something is truly […]

The Healing Benefits of Halotherapy

The health benefits of halotherapy (also known as salt therapy) have been known for a very long time. For centuries, people have trusted the benefits of halotherapy to relieve respiratory illnesses, improve skin conditions and strengthen their immune systems. What is Halotherapy? As the salt is inhaled, it travels through the sinuses and respiratory tract […]

What Exactly are Fiddleheads?!

If you’re thinking of expanding your greens intake and incorporating something new and cool into your diet, I highly recommend adding fiddleheads to your grocery list. These beautiful and uniquely coiled-shaped ferns are often used as a decorative garnish, but they can also be a fabulous main, like a replacement for pasta! The FYI on […]

The Amazing Health Benefits of Infrared Hot Yoga

Although the hype associated with hot yoga hit mainstream yogis years ago, it continues to redefine itself. There are many different types of ‘hot yoga’, but the one that boasts the most health benefits is infrared. Yoga is a personal practice of connecting your mind and body through a flow of movement and breath, and […]

3 Foods to Eat for Brain Health

With summer just around the corner, there are so many things we want to get out and do to soak up the sun and enjoy ourselves. After months of rain, snow, darkness, and generally shorter days, we are all more than ready to bask in the glory that is our Canadian summer! Foods for Brain […]

Eating with Intention

We live in a world today where we function with rapid speed, whether it’s the way we eat, sleep, breathe, work or play. Many of us don’t realize how busy and jam-packed our days are, or even what we ate for breakfast the majority of the time! Break the Cycle It isn’t until we lay […]

Step into Spring—Literally!

As winter dissipates, many of us may feel sluggish. Sometimes the weather just isn’t good enough for producing the motivation to slip on our runners and get outside for a quick run or whatever it is that gets our adrenaline pumping. But with longer days, warmer weather, and an excellent reason to swap sweaters and […]